Nutritionist helps patients at Beni Ebola treatment centre

Nutritionist helps patients at Beni Ebola treatment centre

Daniel Merusyhwa is a nutritionist working at an Ebola treatment centre in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who is committed to fighting the lethal epidemic. Although working at an Ebola treatment centre puts Merusyhwa’s health at risk, he is not afraid to stand by the patients in times of need.

38 positive patients have survived the disease since the start of the Ebola epidemic in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. For each of the affected patients, dietary intake is of utmost importance during the healing process. Merusyhwa assess the health and medical conditions of the patients and then makes necessary changes or implementations to their diets.

Not only does Meryshywa visit patients in the Ebola treatment centres, but he interacts with babies and young children whose parents are quarantined due to the epidemic.

In a statement about his personal experiences with patients in the Ebola treatment centres, Daniel Merusyhwa commented:

“In the last two weeks, I have cared for a baby whose parents were in the treatment centre. The parents were in very bad shape and we feared that they would not survive. Fortunately, both parents are cured and have been able to leave the treatment centre and return home with their child in good health.”

Merusyhwa is motivated by his work and determination to help others recover from the deadly disease. Within the last few years, seven nutritionists were trained by UNICEF to provide nutritional support to individuals infected with Ebola.

Photograph: Ponabana/UNICEF DRC Nybo

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